
Creating a successful Flagship Fundraising Appeal

This Big Thinkers session aimed to identify common challenges and look at ways to overcome these.

Good Values defines ‘flagship’ as a charity’s leading fundraiser applied across a range of revenue streams resulting in what the charity is best known for.

Guest speaker Kath Abrahams, Director of Fundraising at Breakthrough Breast Cancer, gave a presentation based on her experience with both NSPCC’s Full Stop appeal as well as with her current charity.

Key insights were:

  • Aim high – backed up with a strong proposition;
  • Utilise volunteers – they can help you achieve more than you would otherwise;
  • Break down silos – fight inertia to continue working in the usual manner;
  • Accept failure – understand this is a key part of the learning process.

The question and answer session that followed debated the following issues:

  • Bold, confident leadership and trustee buy-in is critical to achieving success.
  • Testing, and testing again, is really important to both assess feasibility and secure internal support.
  • Too often little time is given to detailed planning with clear objectives – a comprehensive plan will give you confidence that you are making the right decision at every stage.
  • When creating innovative ideas, don’t limit your appeal team to fundraisers – seek input from all departments.

This is only a short summary of the full discussion. If you would like to know more about this Big Thinkers discussion, or our other Big Thinkers events, please contact us.