
Sustainability & Environment

Our team of environmental and sustainability experts help companies improve their environmental, sustainability and supply chain performance by using a wide range of practical tools.

We help companies:

  • identify and prioritise their environmental impacts and make recommendations on how to manage and improve
  • set up monitoring systems to measure and track carbon footprint, recycling and waste, help companies benchmark their impacts versus competition and assist them in setting objectives and KPIs
  • implement environmental management systems and help embed these with the right processes and training
  • map their supply chain and use our risk assessment tool to identify potential risks and opportunities
  • implement supply chain changes, including creating clear standards through a Supplier Code and educating their procurement team on how to meet commercial goals while dealing with a complex range of economic, social and environmental challenges
  • set KPIs for supply chain performance and help companies to engage and train their suppliers to ensure compliance
  • communicate and report their impacts, plans and achievements to relevant stakeholders.

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