At a time when Age Concern needed to realise a step change in income to serve a growing ageing population, Good Values was chosen to create an innovative new corporate fundraising strategy. From this strategy, ‘The Great Sunday Lunch’ was born, one of the first mass-participation fundraisers of its kind and which became Age Concern’s largest ever voluntary fundraising campaign.
The issues faced by older people today are enormous. And, in the future, with an increasingly ageing population, these issues will only be magnified. The work of Age Concern had never been more critical. To meet the ever growing need for their services, Age Concern (who merged with Help the Aged to form Age UK in 2010) needed to find an innovative solution to help increase their income.
Good Values was asked to help create a new corporate fundraising strategy which would deliver this step change in income. As part of this strategy, we created and tested ideas for a new fundraising initiative to drive both awareness and voluntary income. In 2008, we launched the flagship mass participant event, ‘The Great Sunday Lunch’, which became the largest voluntary fundraising campaign ever developed at Age Concern.