Good Values have a strong track record in developing flagship community investment programmes and were chosen by Deutsche Bank to create their new UK flagship programme to maximise returns for the business and society.
The outcome of the project was Deutsche Bank’s new UK corporate citizenship programme, Born to Be, which aims to tackle UK youth unemployment. We also identified and secured key NGO partner, Sported, to deliver sporteducate, a flagship initiative combining sport and education to engage with youths at risk of becoming NEET.
Deutsche Bank wanted the new flagship community investment programme to be in line with Deutsche Bank’s vision and brand, respond to a real societal need, resonate with key stakeholders and engage employees.
Coming off the back of the London Olympics, Deutsche Bank saw an opportunity to focus on sport as a medium for educational development in disadvantaged communities.
Following our Return on Social Investment Model™, Good Values conducted a Health Check to ensure there was opportunity in Sport and Development. Following our Cause Heartland Matrix, we created and then tested several propositions with key stakeholders.
Having outlined the parameters for a new initiative, Good Values then identified and secured the optimum NGO partner. As the client was only made known at the RFP stage, Good Values was able to act on behalf on Deutsche Bank in an anonymous capacity.
Good Values also helped develop a Thought Leadership strategy to maximise programme partners’ ability to leverage their findings to influence wider society.
In May 2013, Deutsche Bank announced Born to Be, its new corporate citizenship programme to tackle UK youth employment, with Sported as its key partner. Sported will deliver flagship initiative sporteducate, which supports community sports clubs in London who engage youths at risk of exclusion from school and becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). Volunteers from Deutsche Bank will support the coaching, mentoring and personal development of the young people.
Born to Be aims to reach over 160,000 young people in the UK over the next four years. sporteducate will initially run in London, and, if successful after four years, is expected to be rolled out across the UK.